While Jesus’ whole life was a prayer, he also prayed at fixed intervals during the day and before major decisions.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church notes the two-fold mystery of Jesus’ prayer, which was formed by his human upbringing, but also part of his being as God.
For the Christian, Jesus is the model of prayer. Not only was his whole life permeated with prayer, but he also prayed deliberately and at specific intervals during the day.
First of all, as the Catechism explained, Jesus prayed in the synagogue and the Temple. This corresponds to an ancient Jewish practice of praying at least three times a day.
Prayers for healing can illustrate firsthand the incredible power of prayer. Through prayer for the sick and poor in health, we can find comfort in the most trying of times. Use these prayers, and keep them in your heart so they can remind you of God’s nearness. The following prayers have been curated by pastors […]
Marriage is always going to be a big deal. It’s a commitment that no one should ever be taking lightly. It’s not necessarily something that you can just invest yourself in without really taking into consideration what that is going to mean for you or for your relationship. When you get married to someone, there […]
Scientists have discovered a “lake” in the Gulf of Mexico. Everyone who enters this pool at the bottom of the sea will suffer horribly. Erik Cordes, associate Professor of Biology at Temple University, has researched the pool and described his findings in the journal There are people who wake up very easily, and any noise […]