While Jesus’ whole life was a prayer, he also prayed at fixed intervals during the day and before major decisions.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church notes the two-fold mystery of Jesus’ prayer, which was formed by his human upbringing, but also part of his being as God.
For the Christian, Jesus is the model of prayer. Not only was his whole life permeated with prayer, but he also prayed deliberately and at specific intervals during the day.
First of all, as the Catechism explained, Jesus prayed in the synagogue and the Temple. This corresponds to an ancient Jewish practice of praying at least three times a day.
Inviting Grandma over for dinner may actually extend her life-and increase its quality-a new study shows. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco found that loneliness plays a large role in the decline so often associated with old age. The study followed 1,600 adults, with an average age of 71-despite controlling for socioeconomic status […]
In her spare time, the American Angela Adan works as a volunteer, where she rescues homeless dogs, many of them victims of ill-treatment and almost unspeakable physical violence. In the years of volunteering, she ended up getting used to seeing sad situations that move her heart. Angela rarely cries for the dogs she rescues, as […]
Cada mañana Don Marcelino sale a la calle a regalar sabor, se gana la vida honradamente Es lamentable que gente de edad avanzada como Don Marcelino tenga que seguir saliendo a trabajar, sin embargo admiramos su esfuerzo por seguir adelante. Por razones como esta te decimos que si eres de Yucatán y ves a Don […]